Labour council launches new HMO crackdown in Haringey
In a portion of London, landlords are going to be subject to a new extra HMO licencing process.
According to Haringey Council, the initiative's goals are to safeguard individual tenants and guarantee that landlords bear the greatest amount of accountability for upholding proper and efficient property management.
Landlords who rent out their property to three or more individuals who do not live in the same home but share amenities like a kitchen and toilet are now have to obtain an extra licence. This also covers non-compliant properties that have been turned into standalone apartments.
According to a council statement, "Council officers have been able to proactively tackle properties in poor conditions as well as identify properties at risk through the scheme's inspection programme by using a robust approach by taking enforcement action against landlords who fail to obey their legal requirements." With the approval of the new supplementary HMO licencing plan, this vital effort will continue.
"This plan gives council officers the authority to prosecute landlords who rent out subpar properties, while also enabling us to more strictly oversee the landlord sector and assist the many excellent local landlords.
"Our residents' health and safety are our top priorities, and this is another step in the right direction for their well-being. It is highly recommended that landlords who lease out HMO houses get a licence as soon as possible in order to prevent our team from taking enforcement action.